Divine Love Learning Centre
- Date Established: 2013
- Enrolment 2021-2022: 167
- Grade Levels: KG-1,2,G-1,2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11
- Head Teacher: Saw David
- Students (Male): 82
- Students (Female): 85
- Total number of teachers:12
Divine love school is located in Mae Sot, Thailand. It was established in 2013 in order to provide education for the Burmese migrant children. At the start, there were only 10 children. More recently, there are more than 100 children enrolled in the school every year. The school is a non-profit organization, a branch of Grace Church Korean ministry. Every year, eight to ten teachers who commit to serve the Lord through any hardship run the school. Basically, whether children are Christian or not, the teachers share the gospel with them. We officially have only one building for the school which is used for the nursery and kindergarten classes so that we use the church building for the older grades. Currently, the school offers classes from Kindergarten to grade 11 standards. Sometimes, we have a food program for those who have no lunch pack. The school also has a dormitory full of children coming from both Myanmar and nearby Karen refugee camps.
The founder of this school, Pastor David, migrated to the Karen refugee camp in 2008 with his wife. In Thailand, they struggled a lot in poverty. Years later, he had a calling to become a pastor for a Thai village near Mae Sot. During the time he was ministering, he realized children in the region lacked education. Because their parents were illiterate, their purpose in moving to Thailand in the first place was to get money. The children were forced to work in the farms and fields. Then they married young. When asked what their goal was, their answer was “no hope and just get married”. According his account, Pastor David created the church and school together even though he never planned to have a school. He says, “Sometimes we do not understand God’s purposes, but He chose us and used us in His Kingdom. It’s been challenging to build the church and school at the same time without funds, but God has been providing everything the school needs to progress through donations from friends near and far. Our vision is to give hope of education and spread the gospel to the Burmese migrant people by sharing the love of Jesus Christ.”