Noh Boe Academy Learning Centre
- Date Established: 1991
- Enrolment 2021-2022: 188
- Grade Levels: G-7,8,9,10,11,12,Post ten Year-1,2
- Head Teacher: Naw Candel Paw
- Students (Male): 83
- Students (Female): 105
- Total number of teachers: 13 (including 2 Thai teachers)
Noh Boe Academy Learning Center was founded in 1991, under the leadership of an Anglican church minister in a village in the region. When it started, the school had 51 students and offered classes from Grade 5 to Post 10 year-2. In the following year, through generous support from the religious associations, the school succeeded in resolving various issues necessary to keep the school running, for example: teacher salaries and food and shelter for children living in the boarding house.
Since then, Noh Boe Academy has continued to operate with the helping hands from the community officials, leaders and parents. The school joined BMWEC in 2012 and became an officially recognized MLC. Despite going through many challenges, the teachers of the school are resolute in their dedication to keep the school open and provide education to the children in the region.