Islam Bang Roong Learning Centre
- Date Established: 2005
- Enrolment 2021-2022: 53
- Grade Levels: KG1,G1,2,3
- Head Teacher: Daw Zo Lie Kha
- Students (Male): 22
- Students (Female): 31
- Total number of teachers: 2
Islam Bang Roong is a night school situated in the Islamic district of Mae Sot. It was established in 2005 by Cho Cho Mar to provide education for the many students in her neighbourhood who helped their parents throughout the day and therefore could not attend school. Cho Cho Mar decided to establish the school on her front veranda, beginning with 25 students. Classes begin at 6pm and goes until 8pm. In this time, students learn Burmese, English, Mathematics and Science, all taught from the Burmese curriculum.
Most of the students are Muslim, though some are Hindu, Christian and Buddhist. All are of Burmese/Myanmar nationality, but come from a mix of ethnic backgrounds. Parents generally work in the area as shopkeepers, market workers, or construction workers.
More recently, growing numbers of children also go to the local Thai Islamic day school but attend night school to learn Burmese and retain their Burmese culture.
Islam Bang Roong provides a safe, caring and positive environment for learning. Although space and resources are limited at the school, the teachers do a wonderful job making learning fun and interactive, while at the same time expecting hard work and academic excellence.