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Parahita Htoo Migrant Learning Center

1.School Background

Parahita Htoo School was founded in November 23th, 2011 by Sayar U Htein Linn and village leader of Moo Sik San with 4 teachers (including the principal) and 180 students, and it is located in Moo13, Ampur Phopphra, Tak district, 48 kilometers from Maesot city. The school joined BMWEC in 2013 as one of its associated schools. Students who attend Parahita Htoo are of Burmese, Karen and Muslim ethnicity from Myanmar. Their parents are mostly migrant workers and agriculture workers. In 2024-2025 academic year, the school has 10 teachers and 256 students. The school has Parent Teacher Association (PTA) made up of 12 people and led by U Htein Linn.


Prahita Htoo School offers new Myanmar curriculum taught in Burmese language and Thai non-formal education courses.

Old Myanmar curriculum has 6 subjects for primary school:

  1. Burmese Language
  2. English Language
  3. Mathematic
  4. Science
  5. Geography
  6. History (world history & Myanmar History)

Old Myanmar curriculum has 6 subjects for middle school:

  1. Burmese Language
  2. English Language
  3. Mathematic
  4. Science
  5. Geography
  6. History (world history & Myanmar History)

Myanmar curriculum has two sets offered for high school education, Liberal Arts and Science. Liberal Arts teaches Burmese, English, Mathematic, Economics, Geography and History, while Science replaces the last 3 subjects with Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

The new curriculum widens its scope of education from offering 6 subjects only to 12 subjects. While the first 6 subjects remain the same while new subjects such as Civil and Ethical Values, Life Skills, Physical, Arts and Music are added on


Teachers of Parahita Htoo have various teacher training and workshops recommended by BMWEC. They have and will continue to receive various training in;

  • Child Safeguarding (CSG)
  • Health Awareness Training
  • Teaching Methodology
  • Teaching Subject
  • Head Teacher Training

4.School Environment

The school has 2 buildings, one made up of half wood, half cement, another made up of cement entirely. Both of them are rented and each building has 3 classrooms, where around 35 students can study in each. The school also has 2 toilets but no playground. However, they have enough space to gather around in the school compound.



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