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  1. Muditar Background  

Muditar is located in the Huay Mote Township which is located within Mae Sot, Tak District along the Thai-Myanmar border. As the Thai-Myanmar border region is full of migrant workers who are either living or crossing the border on daily basis for their livelihood in Thailand. Children of different ethnicities – Burmese, Karen, Mon, Pa-O, Muslims – come along with their parents. Therefore, Muditar Learning Centre was founded in 2015/2016 by headmaster U Zaw Htun with help from students’ parents and the school committee.  Before it was founded, the children had no institution for pursuing education in the region and usually ended up being child workers alongside their parents.

After the passing of U Zaw Htun, the school continued its operation under the leadership of different headmasters, the current headmaster being U Mg Nyo. Muditar Learning Center does not have any stable donors so they received the support for the student parents to operate and run the school until this 2022-2023 Academic Year. The school sometimes received the support from the mother organization (BMWEC) and other donor organizations. Thus from 2015 to the present, the school has been operating with the help from the students’ parents, the school committee and some organization organizations.

            Since the Covid-19 happened, school did not get much the parents contribution because some parents do not have the work and some parents did not have stable and proper jobs for the family income. Currently, we could say that the situation is getting better if we compare it to the previous years. However, Muditar still could not get the parents contribution for the school. Teachers have to teach at the school as the volunteer. Therefore, we, BMWEC would like to request the funding for the Muditar to cover the teachers’ salaries, school operation cost. Please see the detail budget in the table below.

  • Curriculum

Muditor MLC uses Myanmar Curriculum. The instruction language is Burmese. They have 7subjects which are

  1. Burmese Language
  2. English Language
  3. Mathematic
  4. Science
  5. Geography
  6. History (world history & Myanmar History)
  7. Thai Language
  • Teachers

Teachers are provided trainings arranged by BMWEC, MECC and other NGOs even though they do not hold professional licenses, they are skillful and well experienced in delivering lessons.

  • School Environment

School has a one-story cement building with 7 equally-sized rooms functioning as 1 teachers’ office and 6 classrooms. Since the school compound is still inside the property of the same land owner, with the rental houses and shops for the factory near the school; it become part of the community which people around the school care and look after the security of the students and occasionally hold their celebrations in the form of treating snacks or donating to school.

In previous years, the school was donated some budget to start building a hall which could also be used as a place for students to have lunch. The process is postponed because of the Covid and unstable financial situation of the parents/donors.

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