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Jesus Love Migrant Learning Center

  • Jesus Love Learning Centre

Jesus Love School was founded in 2013 with 2 teachers and 30 students, offering classes from Kindergarten to Grade 1. In the early days of the school’s establishment, the school hired a transportation vehicle to ferry students from their homes to the school. The transportation fees were provided by a Korean mission organization. The school ran on the voluntary contributions of the teachers.

In 2016, the school joined the BMWEC and received curriculum and stationary support from the organization, which was very helpful for the learning center. Teachers’ salaries were partially provided by church donations.  The staff lives together within the church compound to share expenses while carrying out their teaching duties all year round.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, after many trials and tribulations, the learning Centre has expanded and now offers all levels through Grade 8.

  • Curriculum

Jesus Love MLC use Myanmar Curriculum. The instruction language is Burmese. They have 6 subjects which are

  1. Burmese Language
  2. English Language
  3. Mathematic
  4. Science
  5. Geography
  6. History (world history & Myanmar History)
  • Teachers

Teachers from Jesus Love MLC are no licenses teachers but are done teacher training. They will also receive training every year as follows. 

  1. Teaching Methodology
  2. Teaching Subject – This is providing by Myanmar MOE and Organizations in Thailand who are working for migrant education.
  3. Head Teacher Training
  • Statement of Needs

Jesus Love Learning Centre has struggled throughout the pandemic. During the pandemic BMWEC provided emergency fund for one year (2021 – 2022). During COVID 19 pandemic Jesus Love Learning Centrehas to shift to Home-based classes’ and for some basis needs are supports by relevant organization. During the pandemic the learning centre completed many activities even though there are many difficulties and challenges. In this 2022 – 2023 academic year, the number of students is 80 students and 5 teachers.

Jesus Love’s students come from migrant worker family and represent a broad a cross-section of the many ethnics in poorer urban. Due to lack of donation teachers have not been paid fully and the second factor is student transportation because some students have to reach to far from school these are main challenges for the 2022 – 2023 academic years.

Jesus Love Learning Centre surely needs the support to reopen and run the school. As a result, Jesus Love Learning Centre would like to propose the funding for the teacher’s salaries, school operations (utilities, stationery, and basic teaching materials), transport for some of the schools and basic health care.

Jesus Love Learning Centre to provide relevant and quality education for students. If the students cannot attend the school and learn this year, they cannot have a successful career.