- Champion Learning Centre
Champion Learning Centre is located in front of the Green Roof factory, near the Moei River, which is the border between Thailand and Burma/Myanmar. It opened in 2009 as a night school and transitioned into a day school starting in 2011. Students at Champion can study both old and new Myanmar curricula taught in Burmese language.
Surrounded by houses and factories, Champion is in a quiet and safe environment. Most of the students’ parents are Burmese, and they have moved in Thailand either to take refuge or to seek employment. As the area around the school consists mainly of factories and farms, most parents work close to this school. So, it is not uncommon for parents to come to school at lunchtime to eat with their child during their own lunch break from work. Champion has its own truck that is used to ferry students who do not live within walking distance from school. It is difficult for most parents to transport their children to school on their own because of their work, so having a means of transportation allows more parents to send their kids to school and get an education.
There is only a small amount of land around the school buildings; thus, there is limited space for children to play. Current school complexes are 1 building with 4 classrooms, 1 building with 3 classrooms, 1 building with 2 classrooms, and a building with 2 floors that is currently under construction.
Champion is a school that puts a strong emphasis on students’ well-being and happiness. Children enjoy learning from vibrant, young teachers who are dedicated to furthering their teaching skills for the good of their students.
Champion use Myanmar Curriculum and the instruction language is Burmese. The subjects which the students have to learn are
- Burmese Language
- English Language
- Mathematic
- Science (Chemistry, Physics and Biology)
- Geography
- History (world history & Myanmar History)
- Thai Language
- Music and art

Teachers from Champion Learning Center have many experiences in teaching and can control the classroom very well. They will also receive training every year as follows.
- Teaching Methodology
- Teaching Subject – This is providing by Myanmar MOE and Organizations in Thailand who are working for migrant education.
- Head Teacher Training
Currently, there are 2 main donors for this learning center.
- Health Education and Literacy Project
- Right Beyond Border (RBB)
Health Education and Literacy Project (HELP) supports this learning center’s building and teachers’ basic stipend. BMWEC has the responsibility to look for its membership learning center’s running costs. BMWEC works with local educational partner organizations for students’ stationery and furniture.
- Statement of Needs
Champion Learning Centre has struggled throughout the pandemic. During the pandemic BMWEC provided emergency fund for one year (2021 – 2022). During COVID 19 pandemic Champion Learning Centrehas to shift to Home-based classes’ and for some basis needs are supports by relevant organization. During the pandemic the learning centre completed many activities even though there are many difficulties and challenges. In this 2022 – 2023 academic year, the number of students is 307 students and 16 teachers.
Champion students come from migrant workers’ families and represent a broad across-section of the many ethnic groups in poorer urban areas. Due to lack of donation teachers have not been paid fully and the second factor is student transportation because some students had to go too far from school. These are main challenges for the 2022 – 2023 academic years.
Champion Learning Centre surely needs the support to reopen and run the school. As a result, Champion Learning Centre would like to propose funding for the teachers’ salaries, school operations (rent, utilities, stationery, and basic teaching materials), transport for some of the schools and basic health care.
Champion Learning Centre to provide relevant and quality education for students. If the students cannot attend the school and learn this year, they cannot have a successful career.