- Sunset Night School Background

Sunset is a night school that was originally established inside a factory to provide education for the employees in 2005. Later, in order to accommodate the growing number of children wanting to come to the school, and to save on rent, it was moved into slightly larger premises which are both home and workplace for the school staff.
As with the other night schools, most of the older children work during the day. Some of the younger children attend Burmese learning centers during the day, and a small number of attend Thai schools. For children attending Thai schools, Sunset provides the opportunity to engage with the Burmese curriculum and keep their further education and employment options open whether they return to Burma or remain in Thailand. A small group of Thai children also attend Sunset in the evening, in addition to their regular classes in daytime. Their parents recognize the high standard of education provided by Sunset, and they also value the acquisition of a third language for their children.
Sunset Learning Centre did not have donor since 2018 and the school has struggled throughout the pandemic. BMWEC provided emergency fund for one year (2021 – 2022). In 2019, an individual donation provided one year for school rent. Due to the covit-19 there was no donation MECC (Migrant Education Coordination Center) provides four months’ salaries for teachers. In 2022 February, BMWEC provided one month teacher salaries for Sunset Learning Centre.
After prolong period of learning home Sunset Learning Centre decide to back in the physical classroom. Moreover, school decide to collect the school fees 100 Baht for per student due to no donation this school fees will go to teacher salary and stationery cost. In this 2022 – 2023 academic year, the numbers of the students are 73 students and 7 teachers. Without donors, these school fees are not enough for the whole year and surely would not cover over all the school facility. For the case Sunset Learning Centre would like to propose the funding for the teacher’s salaries, school operations, and school maintenance to run and manage the school smoothly.

- Curriculum
Sun Set Night School uses new Myanmar curriculum taught in Burmese language.
Old Myanmar curriculum has 6 subjects for primary school:
- Burmese Language
- English Language
- Mathematic
- Science
- Geography
- History (world history & Myanmar History)
Old Myanmar curriculum has 6 subjects for middle school:
- Burmese Language
- English Language
- Mathematic
- Science
- Geography
- History (world history & Myanmar History)
Myanmar curriculum has two sets offered for high school education, Liberal Arts and Science. Liberal Arts teaches Burmese, English, Mathematic, Economics, Geography and History, while Science replaces the last 3 subjects with Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
The new curriculum widens its scope of education from offering 6 subjects only to 12 subjects. While the first 6 subjects remaining the same while new subjects such as Civil and Ethical Values, Life Skills, Physical, Arts and Music are added on.

- Training
Teachers of Sun Set have various teacher training and workshops recommended by BMWEC. They have and will continue to receive various training in
- Child Protection
- EEF Training
- Health Awareness Training
- Teaching Methodology
- Teaching Subject
- Head Teacher Training
- School Environment
The current school building was made up of brick, cement and zinc roofs. There are 3 toilets and no playground for the school. The school compound is estimated to be 300 square feet in area.