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Future Garden

  • Future Garden Learning Centre

Future Garden (33 Km) Learning Centre is a Burmese migrant school located near the centre of Sa-O, in Pho Phra district, 33 km south of Mae Sot. It was established in 2004.  In 2005 it became a member of BMWEC. Most of the students are Burmese, but some are Rakhine and Karen.

Future Garden is not a boarding school since all students live with their parents. Most parents work on nearby farms and families generally live in small, quickly built shacks. The children come from different areas within Burma and have different religious beliefs.

This school is situated near villages, plantation fields and the blue mountain range near the Thai-Burmese border. Future Garden (33km) Learning Centre has been growing and surviving on fluctuating donations from foreign countries and community support. The school director is a smart and clever woman, who manages Future Garden with financial resources provided by her family living abroad, as well as by BMWEC.

The school is well-organized and its compound is very clean. The wellbeing of their students is of utmost importance to the teachers. Children are happy and eager to be in school and learn.

  • Curriculum

received_1138093303418496.jpegFuture Garden use Myanmar Curriculum. The instruction language is Burmese. They have 6 subjects which are

  1. Burmese Language
  2. English Language
  3. Mathematic
  4. Science
  5. Geography
  6. History (world history & Myanmar History)
  • received_561320962058251.jpegTeachers

Teachers from Future Garden are no licenses teachers but are done teacher training. They will also receive training every year as following; 

  1. Teaching Methodology
  2. Teaching Subject – This is providing by Myanmar MOE and Organizations in Thailand who are working for migrant education.
  3. Head Teacher Training
  4. Child Safeguarding (CSG) Training
  5. Comprehensive Sexuality Training
  6. Data Training


Currently, there are not a particular donor for this learning center. However, KMCC provides the head teacher ‘s stipend only.

Korean Mae Sot Cooperation Center (KMCC) supports this learning center’s building. BMWEC works with local educational partner organizations for students’ stationeries and furniture.

  • Statement of Needs

Future Garden Learning Centre has struggled throughout the pandemic. During the pandemic BMWEC provided emergency fund for one year (2021 – 2022). During COVID 19 pandemic Future Garden Learning Centrehas to shift to Home-based classes’ and for some basis needs are supports by relevant organization. During the pandemic the learning centre completed many activities even though there are many difficulties and challenges. In this 2022 – 2023 academic year, the number of the students are 70 students and 8 teachers.

Future Garden students come from migrant worker family and represent a broad a cross-section of the many ethnic in poorer urban. Due to lack of donation teachers have not been paid fully and the second factor is student transportation because some students have to reach to far from school these are main challenges for the 2022 – 2023 academic years.

Future Garden Learning Centre surely needs the support to reopen and run the school. As a result Future Learning Centre would like to propose the funding for the teacher’s salaries, school operations (rent, utilities, stationery, and basic teaching materials), transport for some of the schools and basic health care.

Future Garden Learning Centre to provide relevant and quality education for students. If the students cannot attend the school and learn this year, they cannot have the successful career.

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