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Noh Bo Academy Migrant Learning Center

  1. Noh Bo Academy Learning Center History

Noh Bo Academy is situated in Noh Bo Village province, Mae Oo So District 6, Tak. The founder of the school was Saw Ah Toe. He was a vice Chairman of St. Gabriel’s Church and a long side him, his wife Naw Paw Day Toe was a huge support for her husband. They laid out the goals for the school as follows:

-For Karen people to stand on the shoulders of their people before them.

-To become educated people.

-To be able to help themselves, and their people and to be valuable people.

Noh Bo Academy School opened on 15 June 1991. Before the opening, many people helped by giving their time, effort and advice. Our school was born out of St. Gabriel’s Church but was open to everyone. Invitations were extended to friends, elders and church leaders to discuss plans for the school. Naw Roselin was elected as the first principal, and a song for our school motto suggested by Marry Ohn was chosen.

When the school opened in 1991, 52 students were attending, there were no school buildings but classes were held in the church ground. The local teachers brought along their own food and upkeep. The foreign volunteer teachers went to live with Saw Ah Toe and his family, who cooked, cared and provided for them without asking for any help from the others. His wife never complained nor did she rest in her work. She was a gracious host for all of her husband’s endeavours.

The next year in 1992, Saw Ah Toe and the school representatives met with the vicar of Christ Church Reverend Monty Morris when he visited the church in the Borderline. After that visit. the school began to receive support from Christ church. The wild land which is now the school compound was supported by Christ Church Bangkok. Saw Ah Toe continued to prepare the land and began to build the school buildings such as dormitories for girls and boys, a local Karen teacher’s house and, a foreign volunteer’s house. Each building was made of wooden, walls with a leaf roof. He also prepared a football field. The people who helped were Reverend David Carro and the members of St-Gabriel’s Church, the teachers and the students who attended in 1993-1994. In 1994, a rough building was completed and the students were be able to study in their class which are still in the original location.

In 1995, the school faced many difficulties. In that year, the Karen ethnic army separated into two groups (DKBA and KNU). Because of conflict between the two groups, the teachers and students were often scared to sleep at the school so they went with some villagers to sleep in nearby caves. Moreover, the school location was very close to the border and all the people were worried about their safety. During those times, there were only two foreign volunteer teachers, Tony and Andrew both from Australia. They sacrificed their life and their time and lived through the same conditions as we had to live through.

In 1997, our school faced another major problem. The Thai military leaders from Tha Song Yang came to tell us that we had to move our school to Mae La Camp, because our school wasn’t registered with the Thai government and most of the students came from the refugee camps. We didn’t want to move to a refugee camp, so we respectfully asked permission from them to continue to keep the school open here. We couldn’t do anything without God, so we asked God to help, guide and protect us in our effort to be able to keep our school open. At last, on 24th July God, answered our prayers. We were permitted to continue our school in its current location. So, we all praise God for his grace and miracles in his work. Every year, our school celebrates Thanksgiving Day on 24 July. In 2016, on the 27th of November, we also celebrated the 25th Anniversary of Noh Bo Academy. Even though our school has passed through many difficulties, our leaders, teachers, and students are working together joyfully.

Now in 2022-23, we are able to continue our school and plan as regularly. This academic year, there are 13 local teachers, 2 volunteer teachers and 3 other staff working at the school. There are 33 boys and 27 girls living in the dormitories along with some teachers who provide supervision and assistance to them. This year the total number of students is 189-82 boys and 107 girls.

Since 1991 until now, our school principals have been:

(1) Naw Roselin (1991-1992)

(2) Naw Stenmoree (1992-1995)

(3) Naw Candle Paw (1995- now)

In 2005, the Education Department of Thailand invited our school to a meeting with them in Mae Sot. Our leaders Reverend Peter Cook (CCBK), Reverend Yee Chee Wa (ACT), Reverend David “Carro, Reverend Andrew Shwe Mya, Candle Paw (principal), Mu Lay Paw joined the meeting and discussed our school’s future. They suggested that the school should be under the main organization and recognized by the Thai government. After that, we discussed with the school committee members and leaders about the situation and then we joined with BMWEC in 2011- 2012.

Special Thanks:

-We would like to thank all the vicars and officials who have come through from Christ Church for their dedicated support to find the funds that provide all our needs.

-We would like to thank those who take care of and spend time with the students, especially Mr Tony and other volunteer teachers from overseas, and also the local teachers and staff in our school. We also would like to thank the KAMB staff and the Diocesan Bishops from Hpa-an in Burma.

-We would like to thank Saw Ah Toe who was a founder of our school and his wife Naw Paw Day Toe who supported her husband and the members of St. Gabriel’s church.

-We would like to thank all the vicars from (ACT) and Christ Church for supporting the graduation certificate to the students who pass standard 10 and Special (2). We also want to thank (ACT) for taking responsibility for the school’s official documents every two years.

-Finally, we would like to thank everyone who has participated in our school’s 30th Anniversary and Thanksgiving service on 24th June 2022.

With Highest Regards,

Noh Bo Academy

  • Curriculum

Noh Bo AcademyMLC use the KED Curriculum and other. The instruction language is mostly Karen. They have   ( 10 )  subjects which are

  1. Burmese Language
  2. English Language
  3. Karen Language
  4. Thai Language
  5. Mathematics
  6. Science
  7. Geography
  8. Social Studies
  9. Karen History
  10. Computer

Teachers from Noh Bo Academy MLC have no license but are done with teacher training. They will also receive training every year as follows; 

  1. Teaching Methodology
  2. Head Teacher Training
  3. Subject Training
  4. CSG Training
  5. IT Training
  6. Health Training
  7. School Management Training

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